Matt Radford

Messing with links since <blink>

Notes from #responsiveconf – Inayaili de Leon Persson

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Realistic Responsive Design

When you’re not starting from scratch –

1) It’s not about you

2) Make a plan


One thing at a time.

Create a page-by-page estimate.

Go shopping! Or use an Open Device Lab.

Buy top 3 or 5 devices that visit your site. Keep them for testing only.

3) Evolve

Re-use existing stuff.

Standardise across sites.

Gridinator – grid tool.

“If you only had one hour, what would you do to improve your site?”

Document the web style guide and patterns.

4) Experiment (in smaller projects)

Keep a record of decisions. Ubuntu uses Basecamp.

5) Just Do It

All the above is documented at