Matt Radford

Messing with links since <blink>

Add a guest network using Gargoyle on a TP-Link TL-WDR3600

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I wanted to add a guest network to my router, which is a TP-Link WDR3600 running Gargoyle firmware. I’ve been able to add one using the following commands, and ensure it’s isolated from the rest of my wireless and wired networks.

The WDR3600 is also known as the N600, and these instructions should also work for the N750 (WDR4300) and the N600 (WDR3500). If only TP-Link could make their product designations even more confusing… These instructions should also work for vanilla OpenWRT.

Most of the below is taken from pbix’s instructions on this Gargoyle forum post, with some trial and error.

First: ssh root@

Then, add a new network using OpenWRT’s uci system, which is a centralised way of configuring the router.

# add the new wireless network
uci set wireless.ap_g2=wifi-iface
uci set wireless.ap_g2.device=radio0
uci set wireless.ap_g2.mode=ap
uci set

# name the SSID
uci set wireless.ap_g2.ssid=(your SSID)

# make sure clients are isolated from each other
uci set wireless.ap_g2.isolate=1

# you can set the below to "none" and omit the following uci command if you don't want password protection
uci set wireless.ap_g2.encryption=psk2
uci set wireless.ap_g2.key=(your password)

# save your changes
uci commit

We’ve already made clients isolated from one another (using uci set wireless.ap_g2.isolate=1 above). Now we will set firewall rules to isolate guest network clients from other devices on existing wireless and wired networks.

So open up /usr/lib/gargoyle_firewall_util/ and find the initialize_firewall() block.

        # This part won't need any changes
        iptables -I zone_lan_forward -i br-lan -o br-lan -j ACCEPT

        # Add the lines below to isolate the guest wifi from your LAN
        ebtables -I FORWARD -i wlan0-1 -o wlan0 -j DROP
        ebtables -I FORWARD -i wlan0-1 -o wlan1 -j DROP
        ebtables -I FORWARD -i wlan0-1 -o eth0.1 -j DROP


Finally, reboot. Once your router comes back up you should have a guest network in place.

I had a few problems adding a SSID with a space in it, e.g. “Guest Network”. I had to delete the whole config under /etc/config/wireless and start again (with a reboot in between), and call it “GuestNetwork”.

It’s not perfect, as this setup:

  • allows anyone on the guest network to see OpenVPN clients on that network, if you have OpenVPN configured
  • does not allow for specific bandwidth monitoring on the guest network, although you can set QoS
  • it messes with the GUI a bit, meaning that wireless settings have to be changed in /etc/config/wireless

But it all works and guests have their own slice of my network without seeing all the other devices on it.